Thursday, July 28, 2011

What a difference 28 days makes

The next few posts are going to be picture-heavy to get you up to speed on the renovations we've been toiling away on for the last month. While every room is in the midst of a huge overhaul, the rooms with the most noticeable changes are the living room, guest room, and the master bedroom, all of which are pictured with their befores (as in with the old owner's furniture) and afters. They're all still works in progress, but you can see where they are heading. Enjoy!

Before (notice the orange carpet)
Those blue chairs will always be The Ones That Got Away for me. I tried to negotiate them into the sale of the house, but for whatever reason they didn't make their way into our possession. Sigh.

During carpet removal. Thank goodness the floors turned out to be immaculate.
I can't show you what it looks like right now because it's ridiculously messy. Think 28 days of opened mail, boxes, and paint swatches ev. er. ry. where. In due time.

Awesome floors hidden under all that pink carpet!
Closet doors came off temporarily to paint. 
Red closets! My favorite :) Still putting the closet back together.
Don't mind all the random stuff everywhere.
In our bedroom we removed the wallpaper and chair rails and painted the walls a soft cool gray (Cosmic Dust by Valspar [I think!] matched to Olympic No VOC).

After carpet removal
Choosing paint colors. We ended up going with something totally different...
This is the most accurate photo of the turquoise blue color (called Beach House by Waverly).
Still without closet doors.
Need to hang art/DIY a headboard and find an extension cord for that lamp...

This may change eventually, but this is one of my favorite spots in the house right now.
 More to come later!